Saddle up readers for the first Wednesday Western Round-Up!  Every Wednesday I’ll be featuring two or three Westerns (current releases or classics) that I’d recommend for any trail! And this week Cookie will be stickin’ his hand back in the hat for a special giveaway, so read to the end to see how to get your name in the hat!

Now, don’t misunderstand I’m not a professional reviewer, but if I had saddles to give away I’d give each of these authors FIVE.  My comments appear after the official book blurb. Enough of my jawin’ here’s the good stuff!


Two men. One woman. A land that demanded courage–or death…                            

He was a man etched by the desert’s howling winds, a big, broad-shouldered man who knew the ways of the Apache and ways of staying alive. She was a woman raising a young son on her own on a remote Arizona ranch. And between Hondo Lane and Angie Lowe was the warrior Vittoro, whose people were preparing to rise against the white men. Now the pioneer woman, the gunman, and the Apache warrior are caught in a drama of love, war, and honor.

I had to start with one from the master of Westerns, Louis L’Amour. And HONDO? Big SIGH! I’d not only say this is one of my favorite Westerns, but one of my favorite Western romances.  The book blurb describes Hondo to a T. He enters the pages carved from the land he travels. A true man of the West. And his dog Sam is just as weather beatin’ and as much a loner as the man he follows. Angie Lowe is a strong woman alone and raising her son in a harsh land after her husband runs-off. She’s a self-sufficient Western woman and isn’t looking for a man to save her, but doggonit it sure is nice when a man tough enough to do the job comes along. :o)  And after the kiss Hondo plants on her as he’s leaving, you bet your boots he crossed her mind long after his horse disappeared into the distance. He did his share of thinking about her, too. Which was really one of the most poignant things about this book is how through everything they cross each others minds (and hearts).

Of course, in true L’Amour fashion there’s plenty of action, fistfights, gunfights and a battle between the U.S. Army and the Apaches.  But for me it was made all the better for the personal stories of survival for both Hondo and Angie and the love story woven throughout.

Oh! And the scenes with Hondo and Angie’s son are priceless!

All right, I’m going to list a few Louis L’Amour books I would recommend.  This isn’t even a grain of sand in the desert that is Louis L’Amour’s collection.  So post your favorite!


HONDO (Buy through Amazon)              HONDO (Buy through Barnes & Noble)



Eleanor Lacey’s husband is as dead as their sexless marriage. While she waits for the law to decide if she’s widowed or divorced, she leaves scandal in Connecticut behind and flees to Texas to begin anew. But she needs money—fast. What better way to earn her grubstake, than by cooking meals for the richest rancher in the state?

Cyrus Burke works hard for every penny he makes and prides himself on knowing where to cut costs. He doesn’t want a wife cluttering up his life. His housekeepers are good enough—round the clock employees tending his sexual appetite, too. Mrs. Lacey applies for the position and looks like a promising candidate. Delicious in fact, as smooth and creamy as a tasty tart.

When Eleanor and Cyrus come together, it’s a recipe for hot love—take one wickedly willful widow and one arrogantly masterful man, add a dash of decadent desire, a pinch of sizzling naughty, and turn up the fire.

Gem is an author who never disappoints, and A PINCH OF NAUGHTY is no exception. Cyrus is a hawt cowboy hero, but he’s also intelligent and earned everything the hard way. His strength of will is what earns the respect of others (or terrifies them).  And when he’s not imposing his will, he’s charming your bloomers off. Eleanor is the perfect Eastern born heroine to light a fire under Cyrus’ boots. She’s every bit as intelligent, stubborn, determined and not afraid of earning her own way. Like Angie, in HONDO, Eleanor doesn’t need a man to save her, but she’s not a fool who won’t accept some help when it comes in the form of a tall drink of water cowboy. :o)  Oh, and just so you know, the love scenes are hotter than Eleanor’s oven!

Don’t forget Gem’s Eclipse Series! They’re all treasures for sure. I have to give a special hoot and holler for PERFECT STRANGERS. A fabulous story from beginning to end with characters you won’t forget.

Others in the Eclipse Heat Series: QUINCY’S WOMAN and FIVE CARD STUD with BREED TRUE and WOLF’S TENDER coming soon.

PINCH OF NAUGHTY (Buy through Ellora’s Cave)    PINCH OF NAUGHTY (Buy through Amazon)   PINCH OF NAUGHTY (Buy through Barnes and Noble)



    • Kathleen, Yep sometimes I have to stomp on my Kindle to put the flames out when reading one of Gem’s books, and that can damage electronics FYI. :oD I had to read HONDO again, too, when I was thinking about this post. I just love the story. Good luck in today’s drawing!

  1. I have to admit I don’t read many Westerns. I read a fair amount of Louis L’Amour when I was ten because I read all the books I brought to my grandparents’ cottage and those were all they had around (except for my uncle’s Mad Magazine and Archie comics). But Pinch of Naughty sounds intriguing!

    • Ally, I really think you’d like Gem’s books, and a PINCH OF NAUGHTY is excellent. Also, it’s a stand alone so you’re not committing to a series.
      Good luck in the drawing, and thanks so much for stopping by!

    • Hi, Jenn, Glad you could stop by, and I could introduce you to a new author! If you’re looking for a good book, Gem’s are the answer. Best of luck in the drawing! :o)

  2. I have not read Gem Sivad before. Thank you for introducing me to a new-to-me author. And how can you not love a trip down Louis L’Amour memory lane? Great post. 🙂

    • Thanks for riding by, Rach! Truly, I think you’d like Gem’s books. They’re gritty and real and a whole lot of fun! And good ‘ol Louis his stories will always be a measuring stick for Westerns. Good luck in the drawing!

  3. I loved Hondo. Loved it! I read it (and most of Louis Lamour’s books) before I discovered Western Historical Romance. In my opinion, he and Zane Grey were both romance authors, without the steam. 🙂

    • 100% Agree, Devon! All the L’Amour books I listed have romantic elements (especially Conagher, if it’s not a romance it should be).

  4. I’m smack-dab in the middle of Quincy’s Woman (my first Gem Sivad book) and I can’t wait to get to the others. Definitely throwing my hat in the ring for a chance at Pinch of Naughty. Great writer. I read a lot of Louis L’Amour when I was young. A great story teller. Your two picks are winners in my book.

    • Oooh, QUINCY’S WOMAN, another super book from Gem! Thanks for stopping by the fire, and your name is in the hat, Jenna, for A PINCH OF NAUGHTY! Good luck to you! And thanks for the thumbs up for my choices! I actually discovered Louis L’Amour a bit late, I hate to admit, then I wondered why it took me so long to pick one up. :O) Hope you’ll join me on the trail again soon!

    • Betty! Another lady always welcome around Cookie’s fire! Thanks for the support and good luck in today’s drawing! :o)

  5. I’m glad Rach Connolly recommended this blog. I love reading western and I love Gem Sivad!
    Never read L’Amour books before, Hondo sounds like a great read!

    • Cec! So glad you found my site through Rach! Westerns are the best (although I’m a bit bias). :o) Gem is great! And if you love Westerns you’d love HONDO, he’s a cowboy’s cowboy! Hope you’ll keep coming back to the campfire, and good luck with today’s drawing!

  6. Hi Kirsten,

    I just love what you’ve done here. Amazingly enough, I just got an iPad but can’t download from iTunes. I’ll do the Barnes and Noble thing. Also, my father-in-law, who’s gone now, ready every one of the L’Amour books and loved them all. What memories this all bring back. Hope to see you soon. Patty

    • Patty! Always great to see you ’round the campfire! Best of luck to you in the drawing! And look at you with the IPad! I’d love one, but can’t at the moment. Glad I could bring back some good memories, or HONDO could. I sure hope to see you soon, too. Can’t believe how long it’s been since I gave a good OOORAH!

  7. Well I hope Cyrus gets rid of all of his housekeepers when Eleanor shows up. Books where the heroine is friends with the ex mistress or the ex mistress is still hanging around stress me out. I might have to pass on this one. I want the exes all dead or long gone. I love all the other books of Gem Sivad 😀

    • Not to worry, Cowboy Lover, Cyrus is a one woman man…well at least one at a time! Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the drawing!

  8. Thanks to Rachel for recommending this website. I love westerns and I can’t pick a favorite from Louis’s books, I”ve read them all. I have them all. First author that I started saving books from. Then I went to JT Edson westerns. Can’t find them anymore. Thanks for the recommendation of Gem’s books I’ll have to go and check them out. Sounds HOT!!! Thanks for offering a drawing.

    • Hi Tiss! Glad Rach sent ya over to the campfire! I agree, picking a favorite of Louis’s is hard to do. Guess I’m partial to HONDO because it was the first L’Amour I read. Gem’s books are hot, and her cowboys are HOTTER! :O) Thanks for stopping by today! Good luck in the drawing!

  9. Entertaining ‘reviews’. I haven’t revisited a L’Amour book for a long time, but I might look in on this one, though. And Gem’s book–definitely sounds intriguing.

    • Bar, so glad you could stop by and I hope you will give HONDO a try and definitely check out A PINCH OF NAUGHTY. Good luck in the drawing!

    • Hi Alison! Thanks for stopping by the campfire this evening and for the encouragement! You’re in luck, I haven’t wrangled Cookie’s hat, yet, so I’ll toss your name in! Good luck! :o)

    • No one, yet. The drawing isn’t until tomorrow morning, so you’re name will be in the hat! Thanks for stopping by!

      • Sorry Cowboy Lover, I just noticed your post is for last week’s drawing not this week’s. Jenni U won last week. Thanks for checking in!

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