WHOO-EEE!! We have roped us another ace-high author! Me and the boys are tickled plum to death to feature Stacey Kayne’s Wild Series in this week’s Western Roundup!! I’m havin’ to beat back Cookie with a stick!  Stacey even threw a free ebook, reader’s choice, into the pot for one lucky commenter!!

So let’s get through the ballyhoo first. To enter for the ebook you must leave a comment (about the books, author, cowboys, the west, or any combination) and a good email (in the section to leave your name and e-mail). I’ll stick my hand in my hat (I learned my lesson about usin’ Cookie’s) tomorrow morning at first light and pull out a winner!

Now let’s get to those wild cowboys and the wild women who love ‘em!

No smooth-talking man is going to outwit her!

With the deed to her land and kid brother to protect, Mustanger Skylar Daines shouldn’t have tangled with the likes of Tucker Morgan. His stolen kiss scatters her senses, and quicker than a whirling dust devil, they’re wed!

What had started as a joke is now Tucker’s worst nightmare. He’s keen to fix the marital slip-up–then he tells Skylar the deed she holds belongs to him, and him alone.

Perhaps Skylar shouldn’t be so fast to have their marriage annulled. She’s not about to be swindled out of the one thing she yearns for most–a home.

First they’ll have to beat her father’s murderer to Wyoming. Hearing the killer is after his ranch, Tucker teams up with a woman who has no trouble taking control of his mustangs–or his desire.

KIRSTEN’S THOUGHTS:  MUSTANG WILD is fun, intense, sensual, and just plain entertaining. Stacey Kayne takes you right on the trail herding mustangs in the Old West with villains and nature plotting against Skylar and Tucker at every turn and their siblings not doing a whole lot to help out the situation (other than adding humor for the reader and grief to Skylar and Tucker).

Skylar is such a great heroine. She’s tough, determined, honorable and her desire to settle down and provide a home for her and her brother will hit you in the heart. I love how she proves her skill training mustangs to Tucker, and she doesn’t rub it in how good she is, she just does her job and does it better than most. It was tender to watch her shift from tough cowgirl to tender mother figure for her brother and soft woman with Tucker (when she didn’t want to shoot him).

Tucker is so charming it should be illegal, and although his natural instinct is to protect Skylar he respects her skills and comes to admire her for more than just her talent with horses. He’s a bit of the irresponsible brother, but once he sets his mind to making Skylar his hold onto your hats he’s all business and determined to win. Readers will be as helpless as Skylar to resist all that charisma when this devastatingly good looking cowboy turns it on.

The trail to Wyoming in dangerous, but the real danger is these two stubborn people losing their hearts!

A promise from his past threatens what Chance values most…his freedom

Cora Mae Tindale isn’t looking to stir up trouble—she just needs a safe place to hide while she plans out her future. Having escaped the marriage trap set by her conniving mother, she’s arrived in the wilds of Wyoming searching for the stepbrother who promised to always protect her. She hadn’t counted on the boy from her childhood becoming a war-hardened rancher with heart-stopping looks that could tempt a saint.

Plagued by horse thieves and marriage-minded females, the last thing Chance Morgan needs is a woman on his ranch. But Cora Mae is more than just a pretty face—she’s part of his past; a reminder of the guilt and broken promises he’s spent too many years trying to forget. A distracting array of curls and curves, she hardly resembles the mischievous spitfire from his youth, but her eyes hold the shadows of a painful past, and a passion she struggles to conceal. Cora Mae’s indifference entices Chance in a way that blatant flirtation never could. He yearns to discover the truth she hides, but will uncovering her secrets expose his own?

KIRSTEN’S THOUGHTS: Chance is a tough, gruff, stubborn cowboy who values his independence above everything, so you know he’s going to fall hard for sweet Cora Mae. He might growl around a bit, but moments with his nephew, Skylar and Cora Mae give us a look at the real man who’s loyal to a fault and sweet when he needs to be.

Cora Mae can’t out ride most men, like Skylar, and she can’t out shoot and out survive most anyone, like Maggie. But she has just the right kind of grit to escape her mother and track her stepbrother to the wilds of Wyoming. And since Chance needs all the sweetness and gentleness he can get Cora Mae is the perfect match for him. But don’t worry, she’s no pushover and has no problem telling him exactly where he can ride his horse when he needs a good slap on the back of the head, too.

MAVERICK WILD keeps the fun and romance going that Tucker and Skylar started in MUSTANG WILD, but adds a new suspense as Chance and Cora Mae face cattle thieves, a manipulative mother/stepmother and a cunning widow. These two have their work cut out for each other as they find their way back to where they belong…with each other.

In the midst of a range war, Garret Daines is dead-set on keeping his ranch from       greedy local cattle barons. An attempt on his life during a winter storm lands him in the healing hands of a mountain recluse. He can hardly believe the youthful beauty he discovers hidden beneath her mountain woman attire or the passion unleashed by her tender touch.

When “Mad Mag” pulls the handsome rancher from the snow she has no idea he’ll be the man to thaw her wounded heart. But Maggie is hiding a mess of secrets in her mountain sanctuary, none of which she’s willing to share. Murderous cattlemen threaten their fragile bond and Maggie has   to face the fears of her past or risk losing her hope for the future. Garret will defend his wild woman at any cost, but can he convince her their love is worth the risk?

KIRSTEN’S THOUGHTS:  I know I shouldn’t play favorites in the series, but doggonit it’s my blog! MOUNTAIN WILD melted me like butter.  In fact, I’ll go one better, Garret and Maggie are still two of my favorite characters ever.

When we first meet Garret he’s Skylar’s cocky little brother, but even then he’s a charmer. And whoa doggies, when brother grows up he grows up in all the right ways. He’s strong and steady and so sweet and funny you can’t help but love him. His determination to make his own way and earn the respect of his family keeps you pulling for him. Unlike Tucker and Chance, Garret wants love, marriage, family (and has since MAVERICK WILD) and it made him a stronger hero for desiring those things and fighting to show Maggie how much better they were together.

Maggie just touched my heart from the start, even under all her animal skins and floppy hat. I already liked this character from MAVERICK WILD, but the more you get to know her the more you see how wounded and desperate she is for tenderness and sweetness (things Garret excels at), and how much she would like to be a part of Garret’s world, but fears giving up her freedom and the rejection she might face. It doesn’t take long, for the reader or Garret, to see her mountain shrew act, is just that, a show to protect her heart.

Like MUSTANG WILD and MAVERICK WILD, MOUNTAIN WILD has enough suspense and action to keep you enthralled, but at the end it’s the romantic tension that will keep you turning pages and then cursing yourself for reading it too fast.

Seriously folks, this is a must read series. Tucker, Skylar, Chance, Cora Mae, Garret, and Maggie will capture your heart. With each book you’ll change your mind about who your favorite cowboy is and then change it back again depending on who’s talking. I have rarely read a book where the heroine didn’t at some point annoy me, or I wished the cowboy would ride off into the sunset alone. Well, with the Wild Series I found three women who I cheered for all the way and was ecstatic when they lassoed their man. And Stacey Kayne does a magnificent job of giving each character a very distinct and real voice. Once you meet her people, she could remove all tags and a reader would know without hesitation who is speaking, or acting a certain way.

Stacey Kayne masterfully pulls together people and places so you almost feel like the gang is welcoming into their home and personally sharing their love stories. When you’re done reading you’ll be surprised you haven’t been in Wyoming sitting before a roaring fire and chatting with the Morgans and Daineses. This is a “put high on the keeper shelf” series ‘cause you will want to visit this clan over and over.



If you’re begging for more Stacey Kayne after you’ve read the Wild series, and you will be, here are two more fabulous stories filled with heart stopping cowboys and their brave women worthy of their own feature, but hey I’ve got chores.


  1. How on earth do you find time to read, work and blog? I consider myself lucky if I can read a chapter a day in whatever book I’m reading.

    • And write! Don’t forget write. :o) I do have to admit that I read Stacey’s books months ago (although I’ve read them a few times), so I was already very familiar with these stories and wasn’t burning the midnight oil reading the wild series so I could bring it to you. I was thrilled when Stacey agreed to be featured as her stories inspired me so much to go back to my Wyoming roots when I was deciding which genre fit me best. Thanks, as always, for sittin’ a spell around the campfire, Alison. :o)

  2. I have not read anything from Stacey Kayne, but will have to add her to my TBR list as her books sound great.

    • Hi Shelly! Definitely add, Stacey Kayne’s books to your TBR pile. I can’t say there’s a bad one in the bunch, so just close your eyes and pick. They’re all winners especially if you love cowboys and the Old West!

  3. My first visit to your blog–it’s lovely! And squee!! What a guest! I LOVE Stacey’s stories–her Wild series is on my keeper shelf. I’m crossing my fingers that Stacey is writing new stories for us as we speak? Pretty please? 🙂

    • Hi Fedora! I’m so glad you stopped by the campfire today!! Thanks for your kind words about the blog! And Stacey is a sure fire favorite around here! I believe she is working on a new series, and I can’t wait for it to hit the shelves. In the meantime, enjoy the Wild series again and her other fabulous books. :o)

  4. I loved these book. My favorite still is Maverick Wild. I did read these out of order, having read Mountain Wild first, and I couldn’t find Mustang Wild for the longest time. I did have a bit of a problem with her time line from Maverick Wild to Mountain Wild, to do with Maggie’s age. She would have had to be really young in Maverick Wild, but she seems all grown up in those appearances. Still, great reads.

    • Glad you stopped by, Peggy! :o) I read the series out of order, too. I started with MAVERICK WILD, then found out there were two more, one before and one after. I never had a problem with the timeline. Maggie is around 27 in MOUNTAIN WILD and so that would make her around 20 in MAVERICK WILD, plus living as she had been would make her older and wiser at an earlier age. But like you said, either way, they’re great reads!

  5. Thank you for bringing great authors every week. I’m so excited to read Stacey Kane. Love me some good cowboy stories!!

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the entire WILD series!!!!! Wish I knew where they found the guys for the last two covers…especially Chance’s book!!! Just wish she wrote faster…can’t get enough of Stacye’s cowboys!

    • Amen, on the cover models, Brenda!! The guy on MAVERICK WILD should be on a coin. :o) Thanks for stopping by, and I think we’d all agree it’s time for more Stacey Kayne!

  7. Thanks so much for featuring my books, Kirsten!!

    About that cover model for MAVERICK WILD, I actually have pictures of him at the cover shoot 😉 Harlequin was interviewed by 20/20 like three years ago and Maverick Wild was one of the covershoots they had on the show–I missed the show!!! But I got a ton of phone calls and I thought I had blogged about it, posting the link to a site with photos and all the highlight–but I can’t find it on my blog history and I don’t remember his name 🙁 I was sent a cool editorial about it from my publisher a few months later, but I don’t know where that is either LOL. I’ll dig up the covershoot pics though and post them to my blog–
    It was pretty cool to see them picking out belt buckles and seeing the actual guy holding a saddle 😉

    I had to take a bit of break from writing–been home-schooling my kids and my oldest has had some serious medical issues the past couple years, he just underwent a major lung sugery last month, but he’s doing great. Being the tough-guy that he is, he’s worked hard to graduate high school this year. So I see lots of writing time on the horizeon 🙂 I am sooo anxious to get the first two books of the new series turned in to my editor.

    Thanks for the compliments on my books–glad to hear they are still being enjoyed 😀

    • HI STACEY!! Thank you so much for stopping by and enjoying a cup of Cookie’s coffee at the campfire! :o) That is so cool about the cover model of MAVERICK WILD! I hope you can find the pics and please let me know and I’ll announce here, so everyone can rush over to your blog to drool. :o) I’m sure we’d all enjoy watching him pick out just the right belt buckle and holding that saddle!

      I’m so glad your son is doing great and congrats on his graduation! I’m sure we’re all ecstatic to hear another series is on the horizon. It is a privilege to feature your books and I look forward to featuring your future series and having you back around the campfire! You’re welcome anytime! Especially if you’re bringing pics of super hot cover models. ;o)

  8. I posted the pics to my blod/news page. The only pic I couldn’t find was the one with cover director looking through all the belt buckles. But then the cover model wasn’t in that shot 😉

    • Awesome, Stacey!! I love the first one with the saddle. And how funny, the shoot was inside. Guess I always pictured it outdoors. Great inside look at a cover shoot.

  9. Hi Kirsten and Stacey! Love the Wild series so don’t put me in for the drawing. I already have them! Just wanted to stop by and say congrats and I hope we’ll be seeing more books in the near future. Love those covers! Mustang Wild is my favorite. 🙂

  10. Stacy always has great covers to match her great stories. Enjoyed reading up on her books. Thanks, Kirsten. I’d love to win one of Stacy’s books, preferably the new one since I already have the others.

      • Thank you, Charlene!

        My last release was the anthology in 2009, STETSONS, SPRING & WEDDING RINGS, which has the third story in my BRIDE series.

        I’m working on finishing up the first two books of a new series. Y’all will be hearing my cheers when I get them turned in 🙂

  11. Waving Stacey. Nice to see you BACK because we’ve missed you and are impatiently waiting for more of your stories. Since you’ve always been my heroine and inspiration for writing westerns, I can say without hesitation that you write great and fun-to-read characters. I am so pleased to know you are working on more for your fans to enjoy.

    • Hi Paisley! I think by the number of people asking about Stacey’s next books she’ll have bookstores and Amazon lit up when it’s released. :o) Glad you could come by and comment.

  12. OK, how have I missed the “Wild” series? I loved Juniper’s story so much–I thought I had read everything by you, Stacey-girl, after I read Bride of Shadow Canyon and The Gunslinger’s Untamed Bride and the anthology, I just don’t know how I didn’t know about this Wild series! I must have just been under a rock or something (or working on edits, more than likely, like I’ve been doing forever!) I am SOOOOOO excited! Now I have more books to add to my TBR pile which my husband is about to divorce me over. LOL These look wonderful, Stacey! Cant’ wait!

    Hugs to my filly sis!
    Cheryl P.

    • I hear you, Paty. When I started writing the number of books I read took a nose dive. Hope you can find some time for these though, they’re wonderful.

  13. Where are you, Stacey? I can’t find anything posted by you, on any site, after this date. Are you still writing? I hope so, because I love your books.

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